The NEW AIAM 420 The Write Stuff - VOD

Writing is the way everyone communicates. Whether it’s texting, email or a formal letter, we have to make sure we are communicating correctly and in a way that represents the agency in a positive light. The webinar shows the attendees how to be AFFECTIVE when it comes to writing.



  1. Housekeeping
  2. Unauthorized Entities
  3. Attendance
  4. Introduction
    1. Social Networking
    2. Professional Communication


    1. Accurate
      1. Content
      2. Format
    2. Focused
      1. Action
      2. Non-Action
    3. Friendly
      1. Beginning
      2. Ending
    4. Error-Free
      1. Spell Check
      2. Proofread
    5. Concise Information
      1. Consistant
      2. To the point
    6. Topic
      1. Clearly stated
      2. Subject Line
    7. Intuitive
      1. Alleviate concerns
      2. Purpose of the letter/Communication
    8. Versatile
      1. Use and reuse
      2. Minor changes
    9. Excellance
      1. Professional
      1. Complete
  1. Punctuation
    1. Correct usage of punctuation
    2. Period
    3. Question mark
    4. Exclamation mark
    5. Apostrophe
    6. Comma
  2. Grammar
    1. Proper use of words/phrases
    2. A/An
    3. Affect/Effect
    4. Capital/Capital
    5. Council/Counsel
    6. Principal/Principle
    7. Your/You’re
  3. Email Etiquette
    1. Treat emails as business letters
    2. No ALL CAPS
    3. Professional greeting
    4. Spell-check, proofread
    5. Respond promptly
  4. Conclusion
  5. Attendance
  6. DFS Affidavit